At 60 mph, it takes x minutes to drive x miles. So 188 miles takes 188 minutes = 3 hours and 8 minutes.
The total distance between the two locations is 188 miles. It will take about 2 hours and 45 minutes.
It is 188 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 188 miles. It would take around 3 hrs to drive that distance.
approximately 3hrs
That is around 188 miles. Driving the speed limit that will take around 3 hours and 2 minutes non stop. At 80 it will take 2 hours 35 minutes non stop.
It depends on what speed you are driving 302 kilometers is approximately 188 miles ( So , if you are driving at a constant 100 KPH / 62 MPH with no stops it would take just over 3 hours )
40mph - 4.7 hours 50mph- 3.4 hours70mph- 3.7 hours
Okay this actually depends on how fast your going but, it takes me 2 hours to drive 200 miles near the speed limit of 65 miles per hour... ~ Michael
The driving distance Milwaukee to Wausau, WI, is 302 kilometres or 188 miles, and would take around three and a quarter hours to drive.
188 miles is equal to 302.6 kilometres.
The Keys are 120 miles long. Fort Lauderdale to Key West is 188 miles.