How many is 20km minutes
I will take Boston and Glasgow as specific places. The distance is 4,891 km. It will take 19 hours to travel by air.
420 km/(79 km/h) = 5.3165 h = 5 h 19 minutes (approximately)
1000 km
22 hours
20 minutes
28 minutes 34.29 seconds.
40 km is 24.85 miles.
3600/25 seconds
Your ship will take one hour to travel 998,760 km
That depends, how fast are you traveling? If you're going 1 KM/hr, it will take you an hour to travel 1 KM If you're going 4 KM/hr it will take you 15 minutes to travel 1 KM. If you're going 60 KM/hr it will take you 1 minute to travel 1 KM. If you're going... well, you get the idea.
It takes 7.8 minutes to travel 13km at 100km/h