6 or 7 hours.
7 hours 3 minutes.
At least 5 hours and 10 minutes.
625 km or 388 miles. If you drive with a car, you could be in around 6 hours in Berlin.
It is 388 miles according to Google Maps.
Time = Distance/Speed = 388 miles/65 mph = 5.97 hours.
5 hours 10 minutes.
The distance between Chicago, IL, and Canton, OH, is 388 miles and will take about 6 Hours 21 Minutes to drive.
2% of 388 = 2% * 388 = 0.02 * 388 = 7.76
46% of 388= 46% * 388= 0.46 * 388= 178.48
388 as a percentage = 388 * 100% = 38800%
The distance is apparently 388 kilometers. That is about 4 hours drive.