2 pm
From 6am to 5pm is 11 hours.
Thirty-six 6pm Thur to 6am Fri is 12 hours 6am Fri to 6am Sat is 24 hours 12 + 24 = 36
It doesn't have any new episodes, but TeenNick airs reruns from 5AM to 6AM every day, and 1PM to 2PM on weekdays.
This isn't a question that can be answered to you. Most of the time Job's began around 6AM, 8AM, 1PM and so on. I infact do not have to get up for a job, i get up for school.
9 hours
from 6am to 8pm
Saturday 1pm.
All days from 6AM to 10PM 24/7 Mobile Emergency Service
2 pm
Heyah!"How long does a Tamagotchi stay a child?"In my experience, no more than 1 day.I'm not sure about the V6, I'll come back at around 1pm and correct this message.1pm because yesterday at 1pm my Tamagotchi V6 became a child, this SHOULD work on all versions!I hope this helped!xXx Cookie xXx
Zulu time is based on a 24 hour system, there is no am or pm. 6am is the same as 0600h 11:59 am is the same as 1159h 1pm is the same as 1300h 5pm is the same as 1700h 9pm is the same as 2100h 11:59pm is the same as 2359h