it would take 89 mins. At 60 mph you will travel a distance of 1 mile every 60 seconds
roughly 8.625 days!
1376 minutes.
At 60mph you would travel 60 miles in one hour. To travel one mile (1/60 the distance) it would take 1/60 the time.There are 60 minutes to an hour, so at 60mph it will take you 1 minute to travel one mile.
It all depends on how fast you travel, if you go at 60mph then it will take 713 minutes (or 11 hours 53 minutes)
Time = Distance/Speed = 29/60 hours = 29 minutes.
60 MPH is one mile per minute. 41 minutes.
1.40765 hours
It would take approximately 13 minutes to travel 13 miles at a speed of 60 miles per hour.
73 minutes. At 60mph you are traveling at 1 mile per minute. Therefore 73 miles in 73 minutes
At 1mph, 244 miles will take 244 hours to travel. At 60mph, 244 miles will take 4.0666... hours to travel. At the speed of light, 244 miles will take 1.31 milliseconds to travel.
55 minutes.
About seven hours.