1 billion = 100 crore.
1,000 billions is equal to a trillion.
1 Million or 1000000.
No, 1,000 million is equal to 1 billion.
1 trillion = 1 million millions
1 billion is equal to 44680000000
1 billion = 100 crore.
Because of the uniqueness of numbers, 1 trillion is equal to exactly 1 trillion: not more nor less.
1000 million is equal to 1 billion. It has nine zeros.
NO!!! A billion has '9' zeroes ( 1,000,000,000) A trilion has '12' zeroes ( 1,000,000,000,000).
The order goes like this: One - Thousand - Million - Billion - Trillion - Quadrillion - Quintillion - Sextillion - Septillion - Octillion - Nonillion - Decillion - Undecillion - Duodecillion - Tredecillion - Quattuordecillion - Quindecillion - Sexdecillion - Septendecillion - Octodecillion - Novemdecillion - Vigintillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) Each is a factor of 1000 higher, i.e. a Thousand is a thousand ones, a million is a thousand thousands, a billion is a thousand millions, and a trillion is a thousand billions, etc. This is not true if you are British. There is also a centillion which is 1 with 303 zeros at the end.
Yes, it is equal to many millions.
Because of the uniqueness of numbers, 1 billion is equal to exactly 1 billion: not more nor less.
1,000 billions is equal to a trillion.
100,000 ten-thousands to equal 1 billion.