There are 31days in January and there is 28days in february and 31 days in march so all together there is 90days in the first three months
To determine the number of days in the first three months of 1996, we consider January, February, and March. January has 31 days, February has 29 days in a leap year like 1996, and March has 31 days. Therefore, the total number of days in the first three months of 1996 is 31 + 29 + 31 = 91 days.
About 2 months.
In the first 3 months of a leap year, there are 91 days. 31 + 29 + 31 = 91
That's just a few days shy of three months.
It is closest to 13 weeks (91 days). Depending on which three months, it could be from 89 to 92 days.
Different months have different days, but approximately three (I used 30 days for each month).
About three months, because there is 30-31 days in a month.
100 days or above three months for superhit
Three of them.
A little over three of them.
Just over three of them.
January = 31 daysFebruary = 29 daysMarch = 31 daysSum = 91 days