To calculate the total number of days in October and November, we first need to determine the number of days in each month. October has 31 days, and November has 30 days. Adding these together, we get a total of 61 days in October and November combined.
the answer for how many days in November January and December is 92
Both September and November have 30 days, so 60 days in total.
The last three months of the year are October, November and December. October and December have 31 days each, and November has 30, so in total they have 92 days.
There are 1096 days
September October and November have 91 days.
the answer for how many days in November January and December is 92
Both September and November have 30 days, so 60 days in total.
30 * 4 = 120 days
30 days.
At the time of answering, on the 4th of October 2014, it is 28 days until November 2014.
7,683 days.
The total is 122. September - 30 October - 31 November - 30 December - 31
The last three months of the year are October, November and December. October and December have 31 days each, and November has 30, so in total they have 92 days.
From March 17, 255 days until November 27 2010.