There are 360 degrees. They are numbered 0, 1-179 East, 180, and 1-179 West.
360 degrees.
On the earth, there is the Greenwich Meridian = 0 deg;
1 - 179 East and 1 - 179 West;
and 180 deg, much of which forms the International Date Line.
What is n? North? Which will mean 10 North by 16 minutes and 50 seconds East. Or is it the longitudinal opposite you require? If you need the opposite of latitude then answer is South 1 degrees 16' 50" East.
30 degrees.
35 degrees Fahrenheit is 1.7 degrees Celsius. 35 degrees Celsius is 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
-180 degrees Celsius = -292 degrees Fahrenheit
How many degrees does a circle have? 360 degrees.
Longitudinal lines themselves are imaginary constructs, having no real width, and therefore, no angle to measure. The angle between longitudinal lines on a globe depend on how many longitudinal lines are used to encircle the globe. Assuming that all longitudinal lines are equidistant, the angle can be found by dividing 360 degrees by the number of longitudinal lines. Typically, a globe will be given 36 lines of longitude, so the angle between longitudinal lines is equal to 360 degrees divided by 36 lines, or 10 degrees.
360 degrees
A complete globe, including Earth, always has 360 degrees. There can be an infinite number of longitudinal lines because longitudinal lines are imaginary constructs and not physical features of Earth itself, so the number of degrees between those longitudinal lines is dependent on the number of longitudinal lines, assuming the longitudinal lines are equidistant. To calculate the number of degrees between these equidistant longitudinal lines, divide 360 degrees by the number of longitudinal lines. A model globe of Earth is typically given 36 lines of longitude. Using the calculation given above, the angle between adjacent longitudinal lines is 360 degrees divided by 36 lines of longitude, or 10 degrees. If 24 lines of longitude are used to represent the 24 time zones, the angle between adjacent longitudinal lines is 360 degrees divided by 24 lines of longitude, or 15 degrees.
What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of Australia? - Australia's Latitudinal extent is 34 Degrees Celsius and the longitudinal extent of Australia is 110 degrees east to 151 degrees east Scencearly -SkillBro.Org 2107 park lyf.
Latitudinal extent=32(degrees) 17' - 37(degrees) 06' N Longitudinal extent=73(degrees) 26' - 80(degrees) 30' E
Latitudinal extent=32(degrees) 17' - 37(degrees) 06' N Longitudinal extent=73(degrees) 26' - 80(degrees) 30' E
26 degrees east and 170 degrees east
Between 25 degrees and45 degrees North and 128 degrees to 148 degrees East
new zeland latitudinal position is 33degrees and 53 degrees south and longitudinal position is 162 degrees and 175degrees east.
Between 25 degrees and45 degrees North and 128 degrees to 148 degrees East
prime meridian
53 degrees east and