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A sphere has no edges or edges but its face is globular.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A sphere has an infinity amount of faces, vertices, and edges.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

it has 0 vertices 0 edges and 1 face

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βˆ™ 14y ago

None. It is curved.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

1 face, 1 edge, 1 verticy.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

zero faces zero edges zero vertices

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βˆ™ 8y ago

No edges, one face and no vertices.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

0, 0 and 0

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Q: How many faces edges and vertices does a sphere have?
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How many faces edges or vertices does a sphere have?

A sphere has no faces, no edges, and no vertices.

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A sphere has one face, and no vertices or edges.

How many faces vertices and edges do sphere have?

0 for the faces, edges, and vertices because it is round. Hope that helps! :D

How many faces edges vertices a sphere have?

Technically speaking, a sphere has 0 faces,sides,edges or vertices. It does have a point in the middle of it marking the radius though.

How many faces edges and vertices does a semi sphere have?

A hemisphere has one edge, two faces and no vertices.

How many faces edges and vertice sphere have?

It has one spherical face and no vertices or edges

How many vertices's faces and edges does a sphere have?

0, 0 and 0

Why is a sphere not a polyhedron?

A sphere is not a polyhedron because it has no edges, no vertices and no flat faces The word 'polyhedron' means many faces.

How many faces and vertices and edges dose a sphere have?

A sphere has 0 edges and 0 faces. Thus implying that it has no verticies either. This is obvious. Spheres are round.

How many faces edges and vertices does a 3D sphere have?

A sphere has no edges or vertices but it does have a face which is its surface area and calulated by the formula: area = 4*pi*radius squared

How many faces edges or vertices does a semi sphere have?

It has 2 faces which are its base and its rounded body. It has 1 circular edge. It has no vertices.

How many faces and corner edges in a sphere?

One face, zero vertices (corners), zero edges.