

Best Answer

The conversion rate for feet (ft) to inches (in) is 1 ft = 12 in

If you were to set up an algebraic expression to help solve the question it would look like so:

144/12=X (ft)


The final answer is 12 ft
There are exactly 12 feet in 144 inches.
144 inches=12 feet
12 feet

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6y ago
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15y ago

The conversion rate for feet (ft) to inches (in) is 1 ft = 12 in

If you were to set up an algebraic expression to help solve the question it would look like so:

144/12=X (ft)


The final answer is 12 ft

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14y ago

144 inches equals 12 feet.

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14y ago

144 inches = 12 feet.

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13y ago

144 inches = 12 feet

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7y ago

144 ÷ 12 = 12 feet

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