The conversion rate for feet (ft) to inches (in) is 1 ft = 12 in
If you were to set up an algebraic expression to help solve the question it would look like so:
144/12=X (ft)
The final answer is 12 ft
There are exactly 12 feet in 144 inches.
144 inches=12 feet
12 feet
144 inches
144 equals on square foot.
144 inches = 12 feet 72 inches = 6 feet 12 x 6 = 72 square feet
There are 144 inches in 12 feet. 12 feet x 12 inches/1 foot = 144 inches 1 foot = 12 inches
There are 12 inches in 1 foot and 144 inches in 12 feet so 150 inches equals 12 feet 6 inches, or 12 and a half feet.
144 inches
144 equals on square foot.
The are 12 inches in one foot, so to find the answer divide 144 by 12. The answer is 144 inches equals 12 feet.
144 inches = 12 feet 72 inches = 6 feet 12 x 6 = 72 square feet
Answer144 inches it is 144 inches because 12x12 is 144
There are 144 inches in 12 feet. 12 feet x 12 inches/1 foot = 144 inches 1 foot = 12 inches
There are 12 inches in 1 foot and 144 inches in 12 feet so 150 inches equals 12 feet 6 inches, or 12 and a half feet.
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 12 feet is equal to 12 x 12 = 144 inches.144 inches !
If the question is, "32 square inches equals how many square feet? Then :-12 inches = 1 foot12 x 12 = 144 sq inches = 1 sq foot.32 square inches = 32 ÷ 144 = 0.2222 square feet (4dp)
There are 144 inches in 144 inches, there are 12 feet in 144 inches.
One square foot.
Neither of the two is correct. It would be 12 inches equals a foot or 144 inches equals 12 feet.