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1.1 times the amount required.

1.1 times the amount required.

1.1 times the amount required.

1.1 times the amount required.

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11y ago

1.1 times the amount required.

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Q: How many feet of baseboard should be ordered with 10 percent waste?
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Why segregate waste?

The aims and objectives to segregation of waste are many. This will be useful in mainly determining which waste products can be recycled.

What percent of a cow is waste?

Only about 5%.

What percent of waste does the whole world produce?


What percent solid waste is recycled?

Approximately 32% of solid waste is recycled in the United States. This percentage varies by country and region based on recycling programs and policies in place.

How many 12x12 tiles will take to cover 1070 square feet?

1070 plus 10 to 20 percent for waste. 1284 should work.

What temperature is required to transfer waste heat to the environment for a heat engine to be a 100 percent efficient?

In order for a heat engine to be 100 percent efficient, the temperature of the cold reservoir where waste heat is transferred should be absolute zero (0 Kelvin). This is not achievable in practice, as it violates the second law of thermodynamics.

What percent of e-waste is recycled?

Electronic waste is commonly known as e-waste. Nearly 100% of this waste is recyclable, although ony about 12.5% is actually recycled.

Which waste categories makes up more than 75 percent of the total waste that scientists have distinguished as recyclable?

Pre-consumer waste.

If The plans for a patio call for a slab of concrete 8'12'8thick how many cubic yards of concrete should you order if you allow 10 percent for waste?

3 cu.yds

How much percent of your waste is going out into the ocean?

about 15% to 25 %

What percent of municipal waste is not recycled in China?


What percent of US waste material is potential compost?

There are 160 million tons of municipal solid waste produced in the United States annually and about 85 percent is put into a landfill. Between 25 and 40 percent of this waste could be composted instead. Composted municipal solid waste has been used successfully to improve the physical and chemical properties of soils and is a benefit to the environment overall.