Approximately 66 ft. (10m depth (about 33 ft) = 1 atmosphere)
1 atmosphere at the surface. 2 Atms at 33 ft./10M. 3 Atms at 66ft/20M.
10Atms at 90M. 100 ATM at 990M. Generally z atms at 9.8(z-1)M.
3 atmospheres
22.44 gallons for each inch of the water's depth.
Approx. 3, 720 ft. See related answers.
25 Yards
Length * Width * Average Depth * Multiplier = GallonsRectangle, square, or free-form pool:multiplier = 7.5.Round or Oval pool: multiplier = 5.9Average Depth Example: Shallow End = 2'. Deep End = 10'2' + 10' = 12'; 12'/2 = 6' Average Depth
3 atmospheres
Rule of thumb is that each 33 feet adds an atmosphere of pressure. At sea level, 1 atmosphere, at 33 feet, 2 atmospheres, at 66 feet, 3 atmospheres, at 99 feet, 4 atmospheres, and at 132 feet, 5 atmospheres. A diver at 132 feet has 5 atmospheres of pressure on him.
ATM is the depth by which water resistance is measured on a watch. ATM stands for Atmospheres. 1 atmosphere is equivalent to appx. 33 feet depth in water. So if a watch is 3 ATM = 100 ft. water resistant.
The method is the same, but the formula differs depending on whether you want it in meters or feet. The easy method in feet is to add .3 atmospheres (ata) every 10 feet (or every 3 meters) and then add a surface atmosphere, so 30 feet would be: [(.3 x 3=.9) +1] = 1.9 ata The simple formula for feet is: (Depth + 33)/33 For meters it is: (Depth +10)/10 One atm is defined as 101.325 kPa or 14.7 psig. A somewhat newer unit has been introduced to replace atm, particularly when working in metric units. The "bar" is defined as exactly 100 kPa or 14.5 psig. One bar is equivalent to 32.81 feet of sea water.
The water pressure at 3 kilometers depth is roughly 300 atmospheres, which is equivalent to around 4400 pounds per square inch (psi). At this depth, the weight of the water above creates significant pressure due to gravity.
22.44 gallons for each inch of the water's depth.
3 feet deep- the depth of a grave
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81 square feet w/ 4" depth A simple way to figure this is: 1 cubic yard is 3' x 3' x 3' 3' = 36" 36/4 = 9 9 x 3' x 3' = 81 sq feet
Approx. 3, 720 ft. See related answers.
3 meters is about 10 feet.
about 3 feet in depth 6 feet in height 2 feet in width