About 2.6 (2.64172) US gallons for 10 liters.
10 US gallons = 37.85 liters
A litre is an International standard measure: it is the same in Canada as it is anywhere in the world. That is unlike a gallon where some countries use an Imperial gallon and then there is the US gallon.10 US gallon = 44.09 litres.
There are approximately 0.353 cubic feet in 10 liters.
4546 liters is approximately 1200 gallons.
10 Imperial gallons = about 45.46 liters
There are approximately 37.85 liters in 10 US gallons.
10 US gallons is 37.85 liters.
10 liters = 2.64172 US gallons or 2.19969 imperial gallons= 5.28344 US half gallons = 4.39938 imperial half gallons
About 2.6 (2.64172) US gallons for 10 liters.
37.50 liters is about 9.906 US gallons.
2.64 US gallons in 10 liters.
10L = 2.64 US gallons.
50 litres will have 5 times as many gallons than 10 litres. So 50 litres = 5 times 2.2 gallons = 11 gallons
10 liters = 2.64172 US gallons or 2.19969 imperial gallons
There are 37.854118 L in 10 gallons... figure it out :D
10 US gallons is about 37.854 liters.