An inch is a measure of length or distance in 1-dimensional space while a cubic foot is a measure of volume in 3-dimensional space. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid without some addition information.
2700 x 4/12 = 900 cu ft 27 cu ft = 1 cu yard 900/27 = 33.33 cu yds
If you meant cu. in to cu. ft.divide by 1728.
Volume is 30 x 20 x 1/6 ie 100 cu ft. 27 cu ft make one cu yd so 100/27 ie 3.7 cu yds to one significant figure.
1 cu foot = 1ft * 1 ft * 1 ft = 12 in * 12 in * 12 in = 1728 cubic inches. So 2592 cu inches = 2592/1728 = 1.5 cu ft
2700 x 4/12 = 900 cu ft 27 cu ft = 1 cu yard 900/27 = 33.33 cu yds
.07 (No. That is incorrect.) Actually there are 27 cu ft in a cu yard or .037 cu yards in a cu ft.
26 cu ft equals 44,928 cubic inches.
If you meant cu. in to cu. ft.divide by 1728.
There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard.
27 cu. ft. = 1 cu. yd.
5 cu/yrds x 27 cu/ft = 135 cu/ft
There are 1728 cubic inches in 1 cubic foot. To convert cu ft to cu in, multiply cu ft by 1728 (cu in per co ft).1,728 cubic inches per cubic foot.
Volume is 30 x 20 x 1/6 ie 100 cu ft. 27 cu ft make one cu yd so 100/27 ie 3.7 cu yds to one significant figure.
Convert the inches to feet and work out the volume of the cuboid with base area 110 sq ft and height of 3 inches: 12 in = 1 ft → volume = 110 sq ft x 3 in = 110 sq ft x 3/12 ft = 27 ½ cu ft (= 27.5 cu ft)