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It is 22 linear feet and 9 linear feet and 10 linear feet.

As a linear foot measures a length, there are various linear lengths that you could be asking about; for example:

  • The total length of all the edges of the cuboid: 4 × (22 ft + 9 ft + 10 ft) = 4 × 41 ft = 164 ft.
  • The perimeter of each face of the cuboid:
  1. The height by length: perimeter = 2 × (22 ft + 9 ft) = 2 × 31 ft = 62 ft
  2. The length by width: perimeter = 2 × (9 ft + 10 ft) = 2 × 19 ft = 38 ft
  3. The width by height: perimeter = 2 × (10 ft + 22 ft) = 2 × 32 ft = 64 ft
  • The diagonal of each face of the cuboid:
  1. The height by length: diagonal = √(22² + 9²) = √565 ≈ 23.77 ft
  2. The length by width = √(9² + 10²) = √181 ≈ 13.45 ft
  3. The width by height = √(10² + 22²) = √584 ≈ 24.17 ft

Calculating the surface area of the cuboid would result in SQUARE feet.

Calculating the volume of the cuboid would result in CUBIC feet.

Perhaps you should re-ask your question and be more specific about what it is you are wanting calculated.

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If you multiply three linear units, the result will most certainly NOT be a linear unit, i.e., something which you can express in linear feet.

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