100 centimetres in one metre. Cent is Latin for a hundred. (Centurian)
1000 millimetres in one metre. Milli is Latin for a thousand. (Millenium)
a meter a thousand times shorter than a kilometer or, there are 1000 metres in a kilometer
One kilometer is equal to 1000 meters.
One linear meter is equal to one running meter. Both terms are used to measure the length of something in a straight line.
Ah, what a happy little question! You see, in the world of measurements, a linear meter is simply one meter long. So, to answer your question, there is one meter in a linear meter. Just like painting, it's all about taking things one happy little step at a time.
One billion of them.
You can't - kilometer is a linear measurement (one dimension) and cubic meter is a measure of volume (3 dimention)
a meter a thousand times shorter than a kilometer or, there are 1000 metres in a kilometer
One meter is 0.001km
One thousandth of kilometer makes one meter
There are: 1000 meters = 1 kilometer
A km (kilometer) is larger than a meter. Their are 1000 meters in one kilometer.
every meter equals one thousandth of the kilometer (1/1000 of one kilometer)
No, a meter is one one thousandth of a kilometer.
One kilometer is equal to 1000 meters.
One meter is 1/1000 of a kilometer.
A distance of one meter is a linear measurement of of 1 meter, that is 100 centimeters, 1000 millimeters or 0.001 of a kilometer. In imperial units 1 meter = 1.0936132983 yards
the one meter kilometer.