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A triangle has 3 sides and if two sides are equal then it's an isosceles triangle with one line if symmetry but if all sides are equal then it's an equilateral with three lines of symmetry.

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7y ago

It is not at all clear how a side can be 2-4.

If the triangle has two sides which are the same and the third is different, then it has one line of symmetry.

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Q: How many lines of symmetry does a triangle with the sides of 2-4 2-4 have?
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How many lines of symmetry does this triangle have?

it depends upon the triangle that it have equal sides or not

How many lines of symmetry are in a regular triangle?

If you're referring to an equilateral triangle, a triangle in which all three sides are the same length, then there are three lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry are in a triangle?

The number of lines of symmetry of a triangle depends upon the kind of triangle it is:A scalene triangle with no side lengths equal has no lines of symmetry;An isosceles triangle with two sides equal has 1 line of symmetry that bisects the angle between the two equal sides;An equilateral triangle with all three sides equal has three lines of symmetry - the three lines are the bisectors of the three angles.A right triangle is a triangle where one angle is 90°. A right triangle is either a scalene triangle with no lines of symmetry or an isosceles triangle (where the legs are of equal length) with one line of symmetry which bisects the 90° angle.No triangle can have exactly 2 lines of symmetry.

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4 sides, each of which is a isosceles triangle with 3 lines of symmetry, gives 12.

How many lines of symmetry in tringle?

that depends on the triangle. if the triangle has no two sides that are the same length, then it is called a scalene triangle and it has no lines of symmetry. if the triangle has two sides that are the same length, the triangle has one line of symmetry, starting at the angle where the two same length sides meet, and ending at the center of the opposite side. if all three sides are the same length, the triangle has three lines of symmetry, between any angle an the center of the opposite side.

How many lines of symmetry does a plolygon have?

It depends on how many sides that it has and whether of not it is regular (all the lines of the polygon are of equal length if it is a regular polygon). For regular polygons, the number of symmetry lines is the number of sides if number of sides is an odd number. Otherwise, the number of symmetry lines is double the number of sides. A square has 4 sides and 8 symmetry lines; a triangle has 3 sides and 3 symmetry lines.

How many lines of symmetry are in a scalene triangle?

a scalene triangle has no lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does an isosceles triangle have with only two equal sides?


How many lines of symmetry does an equalateral triangle have?

An equilateral triangle has 3 lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry have on a triangle?

A triangle can have 0, 1 or 3 lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry of a equalateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry.

How many axis of symmetry does a triangle have?

3 is how many lines of symmetry a triangle has.