kl is short for kiloliters, and the prefix "kilo" means "times a thousand".
There are 1000 liters in one kiloliter, so 240kL = 240,000 L
240 kiloliters is equivalent to 240,000 liters.
240kL equates to 240,000 liters. (1,000 liters per kL)*Liters/1000 = kiloliters*Kiloliters x 1000 = liters
0.24 megalitres.
400 liters of water will give you 500 liters of substance with 100 of that being juice. 100 is 20% of 500. So, you would need to add 400 liters of water.
1 barrel (US fluid) = 119.24 liters But there are many other barrel units, which will give you different results, use the converter i linked below to do the conversion.
30 to 60 liters in a day
six, but if you give one litre then it grows back quickly
84.5350563972987 ounces (give or take a 10 trillionths)
2 liters = 67.6280454 US fluid ounces Protip: Go to Google and type "2 Liters to ounces". It will give an automatic answer and be faster than asking Wiki Answers.
There are 4 liters in 4 liters.