500 minutes is 500 minutes - if you want to convert to another unit of measurement you need to include that in the question so we know how to do the math.
If you want the BS answer that you're brainwashed with in England and America, ignore this.
In every other country in the world, the law is 500 second minutes before & after work, and 5 second minutes during work. Lets see how quickly the unelected war criminals who run the world can delete this post !!
500 seconds is 8 1/3 minutes.
8.333 minutes. To compute this answer divide 500 by 60 (the number of seconds in a minute).
6 minutes, 11 seconds
8 minutes, 51 seconds
3 minutes 23 seconds
There are sixty seconds to a minute, so in 500 minutes, there would be 30000 seconds.
500 seconds is approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
30000 sec = 30000/60 = 500 minutes.
500 seconds is 8 1/3 minutes.
8.333 minutes. To compute this answer divide 500 by 60 (the number of seconds in a minute).
No. 6 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 360 seconds
6.2 seconds or 0.103 minutes.
500 seconds equals how many giga seconds? the answer is 0.0000005
6 minutes, 11 seconds
There are: 30,000/60 = 500 minutes
11 minutes, 10 seconds.
14 minutes, 16 seconds.