Unfortunately, months have different lengths. But you can get a general idea like this: Multiply your 50 weeks by 7, to get the number of days. Then divide the result by 30, which is roughly the number of days per month, to get the number of months.
estimation of 4 weeks each month
350 days are in 50 weeks (50 x 7).There are 350 days in 50 weeks.
there are 4 weeks
There are never more than 31 days in a month - no month has 5 weeks. There are 52 weeks in a year which is 4 weeks more than four per month, so for computational purposes, you might say that every fourth month has five weeks.
There are 4 weeks in a month, 52 weeks in a year.
THERE are 5 weeks in a month.
how many weeks in each month for 2010
There are four weeks in the month of May.
About 32 weeks because about four weeks per month
There are approximately 4 weeks in one month. It averages out that a month has exactly 4.34812 weeks.
estimation of 4 weeks each month
52 weeks in a year which has 12 months that gives you 4.333333 weeks in a month.
4 weeks
4 weeks
350 days are in 50 weeks (50 x 7).There are 350 days in 50 weeks.
350 days in 50 weeks.