13 × 12 = 156 months if using full years.
Note: there are 12 months in a full year.
9 years x 12 months in a year = 108 months
96 months old. Then start in January and count how many months until your birthday and subtract it from the answer.
He/She can be anywhere from 108 months old (nine years exactly) to 119 months.
If you are thirteen years old, you would be 156 months old. 13 x 12 = 156.
as of February 2010 youre 15 years old.
You will be 216 months old
24 months
120 months
9 years x 12 months in a year = 108 months
96 months old. Then start in January and count how many months until your birthday and subtract it from the answer.
THEY WERE 1,000,000 YEARS OLD youre welcome
24 months = 2 years
36-48 months
He/She can be anywhere from 108 months old (nine years exactly) to 119 months.
How old? Months? Years?
How old? Months? Years?