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$262 and change. I just took one to the bank last week.

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Q: How many pennies would fit in a 5 gallon water jug?
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How many pennies would fit in a 3 gallon water jug?

Approximately 7,500 pennies could fit in a three gallon jug.

How many pennies are in a 5 gallon water bottle?

There are approximately 18,750 pennies in a 5-gallon water bottle.

How many pennies would fit in a 1 gallon water jug?

i tink it would take about maybe estimate of 10,000 pennies i tink it would take about maybe estimate of 10,000 pennies

How many pennies fill a five gallon water bottle?

The answer will depend on whether you mean UK pennies and the Imperial gallon or US pennies (which are actually cents) and a measure that is a smaller gallon, or a penny from some other country and yet another arbitrary measure which is called a gallon!

How many pennies in a gallon jug?

a quart of pennies is $11 so a gallon = $44

How many pennies would it take to fill a 7 gallon jug?


How many pennies would fit in a one gallon glass jug?

2,478 pennies :) science fair project once

How many pennies per gallon?

The answer depends on a gallon of what, as well as where in the world.

How many gallon jugs would it take to hold a million pennies?

I usually use 25,000.

How many pennies will fit in to a 25 gallon glass water bottle?

Assuming an average volume of 0.0285 cubic inches per penny, a 25-gallon glass water bottle (about 4,000 cubic inches) can hold approximately 140,350 pennies.

How many pennies fit in a 3 gallon jug?

Well honey, a penny has a diameter of about 0.75 inches and a height of 0.06 inches. A 3-gallon jug can hold approximately 1,164 fluid ounces. By doing some quick math, you can fit around 18,624 pennies in that jug if you stack them neatly. Just don't try to carry it afterwards, unless you want a workout!

How many pennies fit in a 50 gallon barrel if 32000 fit in one five gallon bucket?
