10368 cubic feet of what?
Pounds can't be converted to cubic feet. Pounds measure mass, while cubic feet measure volume.
Cubic feet can't be converted to pounds. Cubic feet measure volume, while pounds measure mass.
2.25 cubic feet of water weighs about 140 pounds.
what is the cubic feet of 716 lbs
0.4 pounds per cubic feet - a very massive gas!
1,000 pounds of water is equal to about 16 cubic feet.
About 1.03 cubic feet.
That completely depends on what's in the freezer. -- 5.5 cubic feet of air . . . 6.8 ounces -- 5.5 cubic feet of ice . . . 340 pounds -- 5.5 cubic feet of ground beef . . . 320 pounds -- 5.5 cubic feet of gold . . . 6,460 pounds
These units are incompatible. Cubic feet it a unit of volume pounds is a unit of mass (weight)
40 square feet