11,574,074.1 days.
1 trillion seconds / 60 seconds/minute / 60 minutes/hour / 24 hours/day = 11574074 days should be about 31,710 years
11574074.074074072 DAYS or..... 1653439.1534391534 WEEKS 31709.791983764586 YEARS (about 31 Thousand, 710 years)
a seconds to get germs
30 seconds
11,574,074.1 days.
10 million seconds is about 115 and 3/4 days.
5 days
It takes about 11,574.1 days for one billion seconds to elapse. This is equal to 31. 7 years based on the fact that a single day has 86,400 seconds.
1 trillion seconds / 60 seconds/minute / 60 minutes/hour / 24 hours/day = 11574074 days should be about 31,710 years
One billion seconds is a little more than 11,574 days, which is about 31 years, 8 months and 1 week.
It only takes 10 seconds for a buck and doe to complete the breeding, not days.
Not days, just about 17 hours, 14 minutes, 24 seconds.
11574074.074074072 DAYS or..... 1653439.1534391534 WEEKS 31709.791983764586 YEARS (about 31 Thousand, 710 years)
1000000 seconds = 11.57 days (without sleeping!)
It is quite simple. If it takes 11.57 days for 1 million seconds to pass, then it is just that number multiplied by 1000, which would be 11,570 days. (Which divided by 365 is 31 years and a little over 8 months.) So if this fact is correct that 1 million seconds is 11.57 days, then I conclude that: 1 billion seconds = 31.7 years!