To calculate the total number of seconds in 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, and 1 hour, we first need to convert each of these time periods into seconds.
1 year has 365 days (or 366 in a leap year), 1 month has approximately 30 days, 1 day has 24 hours, and 1 hour has 3600 seconds.
Therefore, the total number of seconds in 1 year, 1 month, 1 day, and 1 hour would be approximately (365 + 30 + 1) days * 24 hours/day * 3600 seconds/hour. Calculating this gives us around 31,536,000 seconds.
Days/year * hours/day * minutes/hour * seconds/minutes = seconds/year 365,24*24*60*60 = 31.556.736 seconds in a year
1 day= 86400 seconds 1 week=604800 seconds 1month=2629743.83 seconds 1 year=31556926 seconds
1 year =365x86400 = 31,536,000 seconds There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours ina day. 1 day = 24x60x60 = 86,400 seconds There are 30 days in a month (depends on which month since some are more or less) 1 month = 30x86,400 = 2,592,000 seconds There are 365 days in a year 1 year =365x86400 = 31,536,000 seconds so in 15 yrs and 11 mos and 7 days there are 15x31536000 + 11*2592000 + 7(86400) = 502,156,800 seconds
4 years and 2 months =126,144,000 seconds +5,184,000 seconds = 131,328,000 seconds1 year = 365 days1 month = 30 days1 day = 24 hours1 hour = 60 minutes1 minute = 60 seconds4 years:= 4 years * 365 days/1 year * 24 hours/1 day * 60 minutes/1 hour * 60 seconds/1 minute= 126,144,000 seconds2 months:= 2 months * 30 days/1 month*24hours/1day*60minutes/1 hour*60 seconds/1minute= 5,184,000 seconds
Well, there are 365 days in a year....there are 24 hours in a day making that 8760 hours a year. There are 3600 seconds in an hour (60 minutes X 60 seconds) so that means there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year
There are 2,505,600 seconds in February in a leap year.
There are 3,600 seconds in an hour, 86,400 in a day, and 31,557,600 in a year.
It doesn't matter how many days are in a month, or, for that matter, how many months are in a year. 1 day = 86,400 seconds 1 year = 365.25 days (rounded) 365.25 days = 31,557,600 seconds
Days/year * hours/day * minutes/hour * seconds/minutes = seconds/year 365,24*24*60*60 = 31.556.736 seconds in a year
1 day= 86400 seconds 1 week=604800 seconds 1month=2629743.83 seconds 1 year=31556926 seconds
86400 seconds in a day 60 seconds in a minute 604800 seconds in a week 2628000 seconds in a month 31622400 seconds in a year
1 year =365x86400 = 31,536,000 seconds There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours ina day. 1 day = 24x60x60 = 86,400 seconds There are 30 days in a month (depends on which month since some are more or less) 1 month = 30x86,400 = 2,592,000 seconds There are 365 days in a year 1 year =365x86400 = 31,536,000 seconds so in 15 yrs and 11 mos and 7 days there are 15x31536000 + 11*2592000 + 7(86400) = 502,156,800 seconds
4 years and 2 months =126,144,000 seconds +5,184,000 seconds = 131,328,000 seconds1 year = 365 days1 month = 30 days1 day = 24 hours1 hour = 60 minutes1 minute = 60 seconds4 years:= 4 years * 365 days/1 year * 24 hours/1 day * 60 minutes/1 hour * 60 seconds/1 minute= 126,144,000 seconds2 months:= 2 months * 30 days/1 month*24hours/1day*60minutes/1 hour*60 seconds/1minute= 5,184,000 seconds
Well, there are 365 days in a year....there are 24 hours in a day making that 8760 hours a year. There are 3600 seconds in an hour (60 minutes X 60 seconds) so that means there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year
depending on how many days there areon the 13th month. if the 13th month would have 31 days i'd say ther'd be 396 days in a year oh and there would still be 60 seconds in a minute.if u ask how many seconds are in a year with thirteen months it would be 34,214,400 seconds in it i think? hope this helped...
1,000,000 microseconds = 1 second1 min = 60s1 hour = 60 min = 3600s1 day = 24 hours1 month =28 / 29 / 30 / 31 days1 year = 364 or 365 days
60 (seconds in a minute) x 60 (minutes in an hour) x 24 (hours in a day) x 365 (days in a year) = 31,536,000 seconds.