There are 124 twos in 248.
If 1 can be divided into 7 sevenths, you can multiply that by 2 to find that there are 14 sevenths in 2.
Well, 25 twos is equal to 50. So 10 fives are equal equal to 25 twos.
15 of them
3/7 / (10 x 2) = 3/140 or three one hundred and fortieths.
213 twos.
15 of them.
The word twos has only one syllable.
There are 124 twos in 248.
29 twos in 54 (29 x 2 = 54)
If 1 can be divided into 7 sevenths, you can multiply that by 2 to find that there are 14 sevenths in 2.
64 twos go into 128.This is not hard to do. If you look at the first two figures - 12 - and ask how many twos in 12 the answer is 6 (6x2=12). Then look at the last figure - 8 - and ask how many twos in eight, the answer is 4 (2x4=8). The answer is 64.
Well, 25 twos is equal to 50. So 10 fives are equal equal to 25 twos.
There are 270 of them.