An irregular shape like the delta or triangle( not equilateral) oblong (rectangle).....
Some of them are: oblong, quadrilateral, right angled parallelogram, a shape with opposite parallel sides and then their is the golden rectangle.
It is an oblong which is another name for a rectangle.
The perimeter is the sum of the sides if oblong and the circumference if circular. If the garden is oblong in shape then the perimeter is 2 x length + 2 x width.
It's like an oblong with weird sides.....It kind of has sides. most of them has
Rectangle with rounded sides is called as Oblong.
An irregular shape like the delta or triangle( not equilateral) oblong (rectangle).....
A rectangle or oblong
An oblong based pyramid has 5 faces.
Some of them are: oblong, quadrilateral, right angled parallelogram, a shape with opposite parallel sides and then their is the golden rectangle.
It is an oblong which is another name for a rectangle.
The perimeter is the sum of the sides if oblong and the circumference if circular. If the garden is oblong in shape then the perimeter is 2 x length + 2 x width.
Tagalog Translation of OBLONG: bilohaba