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A pentagon has 5 sides

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Q: How many sides is there to a pentogon?
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Pentogon how many sides?

A pentagon has 5 sides

How many sides does a hexagon and a pentogon have?

The hexagonal geometry has six sides while the pentagon geometry has five sides.

Does a pentogon have six sides?

No, it has 5 sides and a hexagon has 6 sides.

Does a pentogon has 8 sides?

No!A pentagon has 5 sides and, An Octogon has 8 sides.

What is the perimeter of a pentogon?

The sum of its 5 sides

Why does a pentogon have 5 sides?

a pentagon is simply the name of a polygon with 5 sides

How do you draw a pentogon?

Draw polygonal figure with 5 equal sides.

Is a hexagon and pentagon the same?

No A hexagon has 6 sides and a pentagon has 5 sides.

Is a pentogon a parallelogram?

No, parallelograms always have four sides and two sets of parallel sides. Pentagons have five sides only sometimes have parallel sides.

Are a pentogon's sides all equal?

Usually no. They can be, but they don't need to be. If they are, then it's called a 'regular' pentagon.

Is a polygon a pentogon?

No, but a pentagon is a polygon. A polygon is a plane shape with 3 or more straight sides.

What is the name of a 10 sided pentogon?

A pentagon has 5 sides but a 10 sided polygon is a decagon