All digits are significant except zeros closest to the decimal place. Thus, the 2300 at the end are all significant, giving four significant digits
Integers with trailing 0s are ambiguous. There are at least two significant digits but, if the number is known to be accurate to the nearest integer, there are 4
2300.m has four significant figures.
Five. All nonzero digits are significant and zeros in between significant digits are always significant.
Five. All nonzero digits are significant and zeros in between significant digits are always significant.
All digits are significant except zeros closest to the decimal place. Thus, the 2300 at the end are all significant, giving four significant digits
Integers with trailing 0s are ambiguous. There are at least two significant digits but, if the number is known to be accurate to the nearest integer, there are 4
2266 in significant figures is 2300.
2300.m has four significant figures.
Two of them
Two significant figures (2,3).
It has two significant digits.
3 significant digits.
It has 3 significant digits.
Well, honey, 1467 has four significant digits. It's not rocket science, just count the numbers that actually matter and ignore those pesky zeros at the end. Keep it simple, sweetheart.
Five. All nonzero digits are significant and zeros in between significant digits are significant.