The number 14500 has five significant figures. Significant figures are the digits in a number that carry meaning contributing to its precision. In this case, all the digits in 14500 are considered significant because they are all non-zero and are part of the measurement.
142.617 has 6 significant figures and should not be confused with the number of decimal places to which the number is given which is 3dp.
To 5 significant figures, the answer is 142.62
To 4 significant figures, the answer is 142.6
To 3 significant figures, the answer is 142
To 2 significant figures, the answer is 140 (the final zero is retained to indicate the position of the decimal point which , if shown, would be 140.0
To 1 significant figure, the answer is 100
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
4 significant figures.
4487 has four significant figures.
101330 has 6 significant figures.
4 significant figures.
14525 has 5 significant figures (s.f) significant figures help mathematicians to summarise their answer for example to give an approximation if 3 significant figures was required then the answer would be 14500 if you were asked to give 1.1235678 to 4 s.f. then the answer would 1.124 (rounding up the last digit). I hopes this help
There are 5 significant digits in number 14500. To count for a given number as to how many significant digits does it have, look for the first zero form left and decimal point. For ex sample 0045 has 2 significant digits 0.0045 has 2 significant digits 0.4500 has 4 significant digits.
How many significant figures are in 20.8
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.
4 significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 0.1111.
3 significant figures.
4487 has four significant figures.
There are four significant figures in 0.005120.
0.0375 has three significant figures.
101330 has 6 significant figures.
How many significant figures are in 13001kg