For every 12 inches of snow, there would be 1 foot of snow. This is because 1 foot is equivalent to 12 inches. So, 12 inches of snow is equal to 1 foot of snow.
there is 300 000 million in one snowflake made of lepricons urine and thats because the factor of a snowflakes circumference is equivalent to a lepricons urination pattern.. so that states that the inside of a snowflake was made from the lepricons urine evaporating into the water cycle from the rainbow, following the water cycle into the clouds and down with precipitation (snow) making the snowflakes look the way they do.
Every snowflake is different, no two are the same, but usually all snowflakes have 6 main points.a lot but it depens on how it froze in the first place and it may have broken a point through its journey to the ground.But to be honest snow flakes are beautiful if u look up close.
If it's heavily compacted snow, then one cubic foot weighs in at about 25 lbs. At 8 lbs to the quart, you are looking at less than a gallon of water. Closer to 3 quarts of water.
You need to know how much a cubic foot of snow weighs. It depends on the sort of snow. There is 1500 cu ft of snow on the roof.
The word snowflakes has two syllables: snow-flakes.
snowflakes are small dots of snow and snow is very cold water
Snowflakes are shapes of snow that fall from the sky.
you cant count the snow flakes on the ground
raindrop:rain as snowflake:snow. Comparing one (a single flake) to many (lots of snowflakes is "snow")
Snowflakes are not mentioned in English translations though snow is.
snow and ice
snowflakes snowballz snow tire
Snow is a beautiful act of nature. The reason snowflakes are white is because of the way and the structure in which the water freezes to make snow.
The number of snowflakes in the world varies at any one time. More are being created all the time. They are formed by freezing water particles high in the atmosphere. No one knows how many are in the world at one time.
Snow is cold. Snowflakes are all the same
One raindrop can potentially be formed by the melting of thousands of snowflakes. The exact number of snowflakes making up a raindrop may vary depending on the size of the snowflakes and environmental conditions.