A short description of the Eid Prayer
1 - The Eid Salaah consists of two Raka'ahs. Umar (radhi allahu anhu) said: "The traveler's prayer is two raka'ah; the Adha prayer is two Raka'ah; and the Jumuah prayer is two Rak'ah; this is their full length as came from the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam)." [(saheeh) Musnad Ahmad, Nisa'ee, Baihaqee and others]
2 - The Eid Salaah is not preceded by the adhan (the call to announce the prayer time) or Iqamah (the call to start prayer). Jabir bin Samurah (radhi allahu anhu) said: "I prayed the Eid prayer with Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), on more than one occasion, without adhan or Iqamah." [Saheeh Muslim]
3 - No Sunnah prayer may precede or follow the Eid prayer, except if it is performed in a Masjid instead of a Musallah, in which case one must pray two raka'hs before sitting down. Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) reported: "The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) went out (of his house) on the day of Fitr, prayed two raka'hs and did not pray before or after it." [Zaad al-Maad (2/443)]
4 - Like any other deed in Islam, the prayer must be preceded with a true intention of worshiping Allah alone in the heart.
5 - The first raka'h (one prayer unit) is initiated with Takbeer al-ihram, followed by the opening supplication.
6 - Then followed by seven Takbeers in the first raka'h and five more in the second rak'ah. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) said: "Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) would say Takbeer in both Fitr and Adha: seven in the first and five in the second, other than the two Takbeers of Ruku (bowing)." [(Saheeh) - Abu Dawood (1150) and others]
7 - After the Takbeer one should recite Ta'awwuth - 'A'uthu billahi min ash-Shaytaan ir-Rajeem' meaning "I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast devil" and Basmallah 'Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem' meaning 'In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.'
8 - Followed by the recitation of Soorah al-Fatihah
9 - Then, the recitation of Soorah al-Qaaf in the first raka'h and the Soorah al-Qamar in the second - OR - Soorah al-Alaa in the first and Soorah al-Ghashiyah in the second. Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: "Both of these have been authentically reported from the action of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), nothing else is authentic." [Zaad al-Maad (1/443)] Note: Reciting a Soorah different from the ones mentioned above will too complete the prayer. The remainder of the prayer is performed in the same manner as any other prayer, without any difference.
In this prayer found in Daniel 9:4-19, Daniel pleads for the Lord's mercy in petition and fasting for the captive Jews.Other notable prayers of petition in the Bible:Prayer of Abraham, Gen 15:2-3Prayer of Isaac, Gen 25:21-23Prayer of Hannah, 1 Sam 1:10-11Prayer of Zacharias, Luke 1:13Likewise, David writes many prayers of petition in book of Psalms (e.g. Ps 86).
There are 10 pennies in 10 p.
10 can go into 10 once.
Corey Eid is 5' 10".
Abdulrazak Eid was born on 1950-09-10.
Yes it is on the 10th of September for the whole world. Happy Eid!
Eid is on Friday, 10th September 2010.
10 of September
September 10
Sacrifice a animal
Since for the past few years there have been 30 days in Ramazan, therefor there is more probablity that this year there will be 29 days in Ramazan. Hence, Eid upon the sighting of the moon should fall on Monday i.e 20 September 2009.
10 august 1976
Our Prayer was created on 1966-10-04.
Eid-ul Fitr 2010 in London will be celebrated most likely on Friday, 10 September 2010 subject to sighting of the New Moon. Meaning, if the New Moon is not sighted, Eid will be celebrated on 10 September 2010. If the New Moon is sighted, Eid will be the day after the sighting of the New Moon. Sighting of the New Moon should take place today, if I am not mistaken. ~ shah ~
In the U.S. it's tomorrow- 10/11/07