You divide 7 into 14 by finding out how many times 7 can fit into 14. 7+7 is 14. So 7 can fit into 14 two times.
14 times with a remainder of 2
0.28421042631579 times.
14 goes into 100 seven times.
14 times with a remainder of 1
You divide 7 into 14 by finding out how many times 7 can fit into 14. 7+7 is 14. So 7 can fit into 14 two times.
14 times with a remainder of 2
To determine how many times 22 can fit into 80, you would perform division. When you divide 80 by 22, you get 3 with a remainder of 14. This means that 22 can fit into 80 three times, with 14 left over.
Exactly four times
3, remainder 11
America is very big so the answer will be approximately 20
8 with remainder 2.
Just the once