8.7692 times.
5 divided by 342 is 0.0146198830409
To determine how many times 4 will go into 39, we divide 39 by 4. The result is 9 with a remainder of 3. Therefore, 4 will go into 39 nine times with a remainder of 3.
8.7692 times.
5 divided by 342 is 0.0146198830409
4 times with a remainder of 38
Exactly 19 times
12.21 times
68 with remainder 2.
To find out how many times 16 goes into 342, you would perform long division. When you divide 342 by 16, you get 21 with a remainder of 6. Therefore, 16 goes into 342 a total of 21 times with a remainder of 6.
Exactly 39 times
To determine how many times 4 will go into 39, we divide 39 by 4. The result is 9 with a remainder of 3. Therefore, 4 will go into 39 nine times with a remainder of 3.