To find out how many times 5 can go into 155, you would divide 155 by 5. The result of this division is 31, meaning that 5 can go into 155 a total of 31 times without any remainder.
310 ÷ 2 = 155
155 times.
6.5806 times.
The number 31 can go into the number 155 a total of 5 times.
155/6 = 25 with a remainder of 5
155 ÷ 25 = 6 with remainder 5 or 6.2
3.875 times or 3 with remainder 35.
17 R 2
17 with remainder 2.
Oh, dude, let me grab my calculator for this super intense math problem... Okay, so 15 goes into 775, like, 51 times. So, if you were planning a party and needed to split 775 cupcakes evenly among 15 guests, each person would get 51 cupcakes. That's a lot of cupcakes, man.
7.066666666666667 times.