To determine how many times 33 goes into 130, you would perform long division. When you divide 130 by 33, you get a quotient of 3 with a remainder of 31. This means that 33 goes into 130 exactly 3 times, with a remainder of 31.
33 goes into 130 three times, with 31 left over. This result can also be written as 3 and 31/33.
130 times.
8 times
65 times
To determine how many times 15 can go into 130, you would perform division. When you divide 130 by 15, you get 8 with a remainder of 10. Therefore, 15 can go into 130 exactly 8 times with a remainder of 10.
Exactly 26 times
To determine how many times 2 will go into 130, you would divide 130 by 2. The result of this division is 65, meaning that 2 will go into 130 65 times with no remainder. This is because 65 multiplied by 2 equals 130.
130 ÷ 5 = 26
about 33 times or 33.5 times exactly
33 times
3 goes into 33 11 times.
130 times.
130 times.
8 times
65 times
To determine how many times 15 can go into 130, you would perform division. When you divide 130 by 15, you get 8 with a remainder of 10. Therefore, 15 can go into 130 exactly 8 times with a remainder of 10.
13 times exactly !
Exactly 26 times