1mL = 1cc = 1cm3
0.125 cc
1. 1ml = 1cc = 1cm^3
there are approx 30 cc in 1 fl oz. 1cc is equivelent to 1 ml
100 units = 1 cc = 1 mL
1ml= 1cc .1ml= .1cc or one tenth of a unit.
They are equal; 1mL = 1cc
1mL = 1cc
They are the same volume.
1cc = 1mL
1mL = 1cc
The abbreviation cm stands for centimetre an is a unit of linear measure or length. The abbreviation for litre is ltr not 'l' and a litre is a unit of volume. The units cannot be directly converted. However, a cubic centimetre is 1cc. There are 1000 cc in 1 litre. (By definition 1cc = 1 ml. )
These measure different types of units, however 1 cm3 = 1ml. 1 cm3 = 1cc.
1cc (cubic centimeter) and 1mL (milliliter) are the same volume. So, 1mL = 1cc
1mL = 1cc
1cc = 1mL