A crown was 5 shillings or 25p in modern currency.
At the [current] exchange rate of £1 = $1.56226, 25p = £0.25 = $0.39
So if you mean "How many us dollars does one British crown equal?" then the answer is [currently] 0.39 dollars (ie 39 cents).
Otherwise, I'll leave you to convert dollars to bollars, whatever they are.
There are 100 Pence in the current British Pound. There were 240 Pence in the predecimal British Pound.
Florins are no longer circulated but were worth the equivalent of 24 British pennies - 100 equal 1 British pound. The exchange rate varies so need to check with a bank or two.
4.35371 INR (As of February 15, 2010) One British pound is equal to approximately 72.56 INR.
If you're trying to say how many US dollars equals a British pound then the answer is currently 1.4 (but it varies daily)
The word "crown" is in the King James Version of the Bible 66 times. It is in 66 verses.
A Crown was equal to Five Shillings. A Sixpence was equal to half a Shilling. There were 10 Sixpences in a Crown.
Exactly 40 Crown Colonies.
How many us dollars are equal to 105 British pounds?
All of the British Crown Jewels.
one third
7.58 dollars is equal to 5 British pounds.
675,000 British pounds equal 416,409.53 American dollars.
A single watt is equal to about 0.00134102209 bhp. That means there are 745.699872 watts in a bhp.CommentA 'British' horsepower?
130 British Pence is equal to One Pound and 30 Pence.
A British ton is equal to 2,240 pounds.