I Cubic Foot of Gold would weigh 548.18 Kilograms or 1206 pounds
A Golf ball sized sphere of pure gold would weigh 1 Kilogram or 2.2 pounds
A standard 400 oz bullion bar like they throw around in the movies is 12 Kilograms or 26.4 pounds. Try throwing or running with a 25 pound bag of potatoes.
These weights are in the commonly used "Avoirdupois" pound. Gold is measured in "Troy" ponds or ounces. There are 1.21527 pounds Troy in 1 pound Avoirdupois.
Gold has a specific gravity of 19.3, meaning that it is 19.3 times heavier than water.
gold really has an Sg of 12.7 behind Mercury being 13.54 g CC
so it really weighs 208.11 grams via volume
One cubic centimeter of gold converted to gram equals to 19.28 g. How many grams of gold are in 1 cubic centimeter? The answer is: The change of 1 cc - cm3 ( cubic centimeter ) unit of a gold amount equals = to 19.28 g ( gram ) as the equivalent measure for the same gold type. 19.3 g/cc Different materials have different densities. For example, the mass density of gold is 19.3 g/cc, lead is 11.4 g/cc, copper is 9.0 g/cc, aluminum is 2.7 g/cc, water is 1.0 g/cc (1g/cc = 1 gram per cubic centimeter).
A cubic inch of 4130 steel weighs approximately 0.283 pounds.
One cubic inch of gasoline weighs approximately 0.4 ounces.
Pure gold has a density of 19.32 grams per cubic centimeter.A cubic foot contains 28,316.85 cubic centimeters.Thus, a cubic foot of pure gold has a mass of 547,081 grams,which on Earth weighs 1,206.1 lbs.!
1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimetres (approx).1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimetres (approx).1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimetres (approx).1 cubic inch = 16.4 cubic centimetres (approx).
A cubic foot of jelly would weigh approximately 60-70 pounds, depending on the type and density of the jelly.
A cubic inch of marble typically weighs around 0.31 pounds.
A cubic inch of 4130 steel weighs approximately 0.283 pounds.
Gray cast iron is around 118 grams per cubic inch.
One cubic inch of lead weighs around 0.41 to 0.44 ounces.
The square inch is a unit of area. The cubic inch is a unit of volume; a cubic inch of uranium has a mass of approx. 312,2 grams.
Of course, different brasses and forms can vary, but at a specific gravity of about 8.5, a cubic inch of brass would weigh about 5 ounces (or just under a third of a pound).
One cubic inch of gasoline weighs approximately 0.4 ounces.
On Average it's 450 Pounds
The density of lead is 11.34g per cubic centimetre. As there are 16.387 cubic centimetres in one cubic inch, one cubic inch of lead weighs 11.34 X 16.387 or 185.83grams. In ounces this is 6.55 (or just over 6 and a half) ounces.
The density of limestone varies from something on the order of 110 pounds per cubic foot (a shade over 1 ounce per cubic inch) to over 160 pounds per cubic foot (about 1.5 ounces per cubic inch).
The weight of 1 cubic inch of uranium metal is approximately 0.70 pounds or 0.32 kilograms.
The density of thallium is 11.85 gm/cc, or 11.85 times the density of water.After some massaging, that converts to 6.847 ounces per cubic inch.