Exchange rates change from one day to nother. To convert it to another currency, use an online currency converter, for example,
Exchange rates change from one day to nother. To convert it to another currency, use an online currency converter, for example,
Exchange rates change from one day to nother. To convert it to another currency, use an online currency converter, for example,
Exchange rates change from one day to nother. To convert it to another currency, use an online currency converter, for example,
For 1 billion euros you need 1.5 billion dollars. For 1 billion dollars you need 0.666 billion euros.
Dont know
I billion in what currency? Pounds? Euros? Roubles?
For 1 billion euros you need 1.5 billion dollars. For 1 billion dollars you need 0.666 billion euros.
The UK owes America 578.6 billion Euros America owes the UK 834.5 billion Euros
Dont know
2 billion euros is equivalent to $2445900000.00. This is because the ration of euros to dollars is 1:1.22295. So 2 billion euros multiply by 1.22295 is $2445900000.00. The exchange rate may vary as they frequently change.
I billion in what currency? Pounds? Euros? Roubles?
1 billion euros=1.3257 billion dollars = 1,325.7 million dollars (one thosand three hundred twenty five point seven million dollars)
3.32 billion euros
1 EUR = 1.36620 USDLive rates at 2010.02.06 06:05:30 UTC 1,000,000 EUR = 1,366,199.97 USD
1 GBP = 1.12 Euros