there are 1000cm =1 m the term centi is 100th so 100cm makes 1m, 1cm is 0.01 of a meter
how much what inches, centimeter, etc.... what?
65 square meters times 0.01 meters (one centimeter) equals 0.65 cubic meters.
There are 200 centimeters in 2 meters.
1 centimeter=0.01 meters
4,800 centermeters = 48 meters
how much what inches, centimeter, etc.... what?
There is no such unit as a minimetre.
860 centimeters
65 square meters times 0.01 meters (one centimeter) equals 0.65 cubic meters.
There are 200 centimeters in 2 meters.
900 centimetres
2 meters = 200 centimeter
One METER got 100 CENTImeter, so its 1 METER 81 CENTImeter.
1 centimeter=0.01 meters
There are 500 centimeters in 5 meters.