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Adrain Weissnat

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4y ago
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15y ago

Any vodka is bad for an 11-year-old.

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Of course not. That is why it is illegal for a 13 year old to drink and why pot is illegal for everyone.

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A one year old should not be having sugar everyday. It is bad for his/ her health. A one year old can have sugar about once or twice a week, and not too much.

Is an eight year old open vodka still drinkable?

I should think so, so enjoy

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It's bad for a 20 year old to not have a job. Period.

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its not only bad but you could be arrested for rape!

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It is quite unusual but not that bad if careful

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Absolutly... and if its sexual, its illegal

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yes it's too much weight. sixteen year old should be approx 55-60 kg.