You are about to turn 24 years old then this Friday, happy birthday in advance
If you were born on 18 June 2003 until today Feb 19 2010 you are 2438 days old.
You would be 18 on 24th June 2011.
If you had your birthday, 1999, if not, 1998.
Tyla Parham, also known as Wolftyla is an 18 year old teenager (Born June 1st, 1996) from Long Island, New York.
Sandro Iannotta was born on June 18, 1998, in Munich, Germany.
If you were born on 18 June 2003 until today Feb 19 2010 you are 2438 days old.
Jason Schwartzman is 37 years old (birthdate: June 26, 1980).
She is 18 years old. She was born on June 26th, 1992.
On June 18th, 2009 Paul McCartney turned the age of 67 years old. He was born in 1942.
You would be 18 on 24th June 2011.
He was born June 6, 1991, so 18 years old:):):):):)
Eva Bartok was born on June 18, 1927 and died on August 1, 1998. Eva Bartok would have been 71 years old at the time of death or 88 years old today.
Jett Eaton is 18 years old (born July 24, 1998).
"Bretman Rock" is 18 years old (born July 31, 1998).
Seamus Moore is 66 years old. He was born on 18 June 1947.
Steve Ouimette is 44 years old. He was born on June 18, 1968.