The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
In the King James version the word - Jesus - appears 973 times the word - Jesus' - appears 10 times the word - Christ - appears 555 times the word - Christ's - appears 16 times Taken together as a phrase - Jesus Christ - appears 195 times in 185 verses. == Paul mentions Jesus Christ's name 230 times in the Bible. == NOTE: After using his name in one verse, Jesus is often referred to as "he" or "his" in succeeding verses. This would greatly increase the number of times he is referred to.
The person would be 34 years old today.
Assuming that Jesus was born on December 25, 1 AD, he would have been 2010 years old on Christmas 2010.
Given today's date of December 16, 2009, you would have celebrated your 26th birthday yesterday.
Given today's date of December 17, 2009, you would be 7098 days old as of today.
So called Black, or African American
To find the first Christmas traditions would be difficult if not impossible today. As to the date of "Christ's Mass"? Why December the 25th? That the date actually goes back to Rome with a festival called 'Saturnalia' . A lot of Romans at the time of the adoption of Christianity into the Roman Empire (AD325) had various feasts. It was a time of revelry, celebration, eating and drinking. It was at the same time both a solstice observance and a harvest festival. On the Julian calendar it was proclaimed in 46 c.e., that the Saturnalia would fall on December twenty- fifth.
269 years after the death of Jesus Christ. Today we would be 2010 AD.
If Jesus Christ had not died on the cross or not have been resurrected there would be no Christianity. Jesus Christ is Christianity. Christ ---ianity.
In a Christian's point of view, Christ decided because he is the one who decides when Jesus would be born and the 25th is the day baby Jesus was born so we celebrate that.
I would suppose it was John the Baptizer. He introduced Christ Jesus to the people.
bananas............i think a kindergardener would know the answer to that question jesus christ bananas............i think a kindergardener would know the answer to that question jesus christ bananas............i think a kindergardener would know the answer to that question jesus christ bananas............i think a kindergardener would know the answer to that question jesus christ bananas............i think a kindergardener would know the answer to that question jesus christ bananas............i think a kindergardener would know the answer to that question jesus christ
It is said that Jesus of Nazareth lived on this planet as a man 33 years before he was crucified. With that being said...he would be 2040 as of December 25 2007. Time as we know it started "after death". you really need to look stuff up before you answer Jesus was suspected to have been born around 4/5 bc yes bc as the monk who started the calender worked it out wrong plus Jesus was born when king Herod was alive and he died in 4 bc plus no one knows when his birthday is 25th December was a big pagan festival and they decided to go with this date for wotever reason.
When Jesus wwas on the cross one thief mocked Jesus, but the other repented and Jesus said that he would be in paradise today . three days after he rose to Heaven.
Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ's birthday, so if Christ was born on 1 A.D. ( because there is no year 0) than the first Christmas would be December 25, 2 A.D.
Jesus was also known as Jesus Christ. It is from that that the religion takes its name. Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. Without him, the religion would not exist.