You can't, really. Repeating decimals appear whenever the denominator of a fraction in simplest terms has any prime factor other than 2 or 5.To avoid them, you can do divisions that don't involve those denominators/divisors.
You can also recognize that "infinite precision" is not required for most practical applications, and round the result to an appropriate number of decimals. What is appropriate will depend on the specific application, but 3-4 significant digits is quite often enough.
If you convert repeating decimals into a fraction, you see that the repeating decimals are rational.
terminating decimals repeating decimals
terminating decimals non terminating decimals repeating decimals non repeating decimals
Non-repeating decimals is not a word but a phrase. Non-repeating decimals are irrational numbers.
terminating decimals and repeating decimals
Repeating decimals is periodische Dezimalzahlen in German.
Not all decimal representations are repeating decimals.
No, Albert Einstein did not invent repeating decimals.
Terminating and repeating decimals are rational numbers.
No because non-repeating decimals may be terminating.But suppose you consider terminating decimals as consisting of repeating 0s. That is, 1/8 = 0.125 = 0.12500....Then all non-repeating decimals are irrational.
Terminating and repeating decimals are.