When change fractions to decimals, it takes one easy step. You simply divide the numerator by the denominator. In other words, you divide the top number by the bottom number. This method doesn't include mixed numbers. When you get a repeating decimal as your answer, that means your denominator is an odd number. When you get a repeating decimal for your answer, simply put a bar above the repeating number/numbers. This shows that this number/numbers continues on forever. Mixed numbers can be changed to a decimal after transforming in to an improper fraction. To do this, you must multiply the denominator by the whole number, and then add the numerator. For example, 5 3/4, you multiply 4 by 5, then add three to get the answer of 23/4. Then you simply divide 23 by 4 and receive the decimal of 5.75.
You can change a decimal into a fraction or a percentage
To change a proper fraction into a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
0.25 into a decimal fraction = 25/100
A trick for changing a decimal to a fraction is to say it aloud and write it out as how it says like for example .4 = 4/10 and you can simplify it. That would be a way you can change a decimal to a fraction.
Change the percentage to a decimal by taking the percent and pitting it behind the decimal and to change it to a fraction put the percent under 100
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
You can change a decimal into a fraction or a percentage
To change a proper fraction into a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator.
0.25 into a decimal fraction = 25/100
Hit MATH and then 1 to change from decimal to fraction or 2 to change from fraction to decimal
How to change a decimal fraction to proper fractions,0.09
A trick for changing a decimal to a fraction is to say it aloud and write it out as how it says like for example .4 = 4/10 and you can simplify it. That would be a way you can change a decimal to a fraction.
Change the percentage to a decimal by taking the percent and pitting it behind the decimal and to change it to a fraction put the percent under 100
33%:= 0.33 in decimal= 33/100 in fraction
a fraction is a decimal how is because u can change a decimal into a fraction and u can change a fraction into a decimal if u still have troble with the answer ask a teacher or a math freek btw donate to the children hospite save a live by helping plze thanks
put decimal over 100