1 over 2 (½) = 0.5
The fraction 39 over 11 as a decimal is 3.5454 . . .
22.5 in a fraction is 225 over 100. you would have to move the decimal over to the end and it will become a whole # which is 225.
The fraction 1/8 as a decimal is 0.125
10/13 as a decimal is a recurring decimal of 6 digits: 0.769230769230... An approximation would be 0.769
Three over eight (⅜) = 0.375
1 over 2 (½) = 0.5
6/7 = 0.857 (rounded).
10⁄10 = 1.0
The fraction 39 over 11 as a decimal is 3.5454 . . .
Written as a decimal 7/10 would be .70
22.5 in a fraction is 225 over 100. you would have to move the decimal over to the end and it will become a whole # which is 225.
6 over 100 or 0.06
An equivalent fraction would be 2/5. in decimal, this is 0.4
To convert 0.000003814697265625 to a fraction, we need to look at the decimal places. The number has 16 decimal places after the zero. To express this as a fraction, we write the decimal as the numerator over 10 raised to the power of the number of decimal places. Therefore, 0.000003814697265625 can be written as 3814697265625/10000000000000000 or simplified to 3814697265625/10^16.
Fraction: 99 over 100 Decimal: 0.99
0.625 is already a decimal, and it is 625 over 1000 as a fraction.