One thousand three hundred.
One thousand three hundred or thirteen hundred.
It was John Wyclif in the 1300's.
Metre is the British spelling Meter is the American spelling ______________________ There are a great number of English words that have different spelling in "English" English and in "American" English. Words that end in "er" in American are frequently spelled with "re" in English. So in the US, we spell it "meter" while the English spell it "metre". Also, "theater" vs "theatre". Also, the English apparently have a lot of "u"s in the storage shed that they are trying to get rid of. And they toss them into many words that don't require a "u", like "labour" instead of "labor". In fact, right here in WikiAnswers, I can see that the words "metre" and "labour" are marked as misspelled, which proves that we're right and they're wrong. :-)
Expressed in words, this is equal to "one thousand three hundred" or "thirteen hundred".
One thousand three hundred.
One thousand three hundred or thirteen hundred.
The same as you do in English.
There are two English words you can spell with the letters seoiozt - the words are ooziest and zooiest.
The letters NEPKEUFVDOUBGNUCN can spell 254 English words. The longest are :denounceconvenedbeckonedunopenedconvenedungeonbuncoedboundenpouncedbouncedunbound
Click on "Difficult English words to spell" under "Related links" below.
Those letters will not spell any words in English.
Spelling in American English is a little different from spelling in British English; both are English. In addition, many people who can speak a language fluently do not necessarily know how to spell words in that language, yet they still "use" that language. For example, a little child "uses" English but probably cannot spell the words that he or she "uses."
n is exacly spelled the saame because the language is english and the words are english.
i dont know and nobody cares.
It doesn't mean anything...he just mixed up radom words