[(100x60) + (Tx40)]/100=Average, where T is you average on the other 40% of your grade. Example: your grade average is 90 before the test. You get a 100 on the big test. [(100x60) + 90x40)]/100 = [6000 + 3600]/100 = 96
it depends how many grades in the class you have.
80% or B
I think the average 7th grade math score is 222, I got 256 :) ---------------------------------------- I am in 5th grade REACH an I got 245. =] ----------------------------------------- I am in 6th grade and I got 284! I'm in 7th. I got a 275 in 6th. In a school enterance test I thought they would obviously accept me in and I got a 240. Now they won't let me in.
To get two wrong from 1 question is quite an achievement. I would imagine the outcome is not gradeable. That level of effort should certainly be worth two 'F's .
It is a test where you find out your GPA (Grade Point Average)
To calculate your new grade after receiving a 75 on a test, you need to know the weight of the test in relation to your overall grade. Let's assume the test is worth 20% of your total grade. You would calculate the impact of the test by finding 20% of 75, which is 15. Adding 15 points to your current grade would depend on the weight of the test and the rest of your grades in the class.
If Your test grade avearge is 57 and your assignment grade is 75 and the test grade counts for 75% and asignment 25%, then your grade is .75 (57) + .25(75) = 61.5
Failing a test will probably disappoint your parents. Disappointing your parents is probably worse, but it depends on how much the test is worth towards your grade. If the test is 50% of your grade, I would choose the test.
A test in middle 6th grade won't count for getting into college. It starts to get tracked in high school.
It is not possible to answer the question without knowing how much of the total each one is worth. If they are both equally important, then the answer is 50% but they are rarely (if ever) equally important. If the test grade is worth x percent of the total - not your grade but how much weight it carries in the total - then the average is [x*70+(1-x)*30]/100
Typically, every test and grade you receive affects your grade for the course which will in turn affect your total grade point average.
It depends how many points each question is worth. If each question is worth five points on a twenty question test, you would get ninety-five percent.
[(100x60) + (Tx40)]/100=Average, where T is you average on the other 40% of your grade. Example: your grade average is 90 before the test. You get a 100 on the big test. [(100x60) + 90x40)]/100 = [6000 + 3600]/100 = 96
it depends how many grades in the class you have.
The average college student received a grade of F on the civic literacy test given in 2007
It is: 63%